Agenda 21 Hitlers Nuremberg Laws & Chart becomes UN Charter & World Health Organisation-WEF

3 years ago

This is a Research Investigative Study and Report explaining WHY we are caught up in a LOCAL, NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL Criminal Operation of Holocaust Scheme Genocide in 2021. Adolf Hitlers 1933 Nureberg Laws & Chart became the CODE of conduct, laws that FOUNDED the WHO - World Health organisation and UN - United Nations, and WEF - World Economic Forum & WB World Bank, CIA Artificial Intelligence, QE Hospitals Morgue Counting medical military population control. HITLER MORDERED OVER 6 MILLION innoccent babies, children, women & men and WE MUST NEVER ALLOW SUCH horrific Genocide Plans to TAKE OVER ANY COUNTRY....OR OUR WORLD!Its time for the PEOPLES POWER TO COME TOGETHER and overthrow Governments, overthrow the WHO-UN-WEF-WB etc in 2021! WAKEUP PEOPLE RISE UP PEOPLE! STOP their Poisoning Program Vaccines for Profit! TAKE DOWN THE Google-CODE at supermarket and food out let doors of entry access! Call for the WAR CRIMINAL Government Officials to be removed with the CROWN and END SLAVERY by ENDING THIS ROYAL nazi-communist monarchy! CALL FOR BILL GATES CHEMTRAILS to be terminated and the POLICE POWER MUST BE TERMINATED also. THIS IS JUSTICE! We need to call meetings in our communities and GET INTO THE MEDIA!! WE MUST GET INTO THE TV stations MEDIA! Breakdown the MEDIA lies of cult sacrificing MURDERING PEOPLE BY STEALTH in countries they have INVADED.
Evidence Holocaust By Vaccine:
Carlyle group exposes Bush Obama ect connection with former
Pfizer chairman CEO.
Korero Mai News is reporting on the ground corporate crime syndicates in plain sight. Today, we caught Police uniforms involved in offending. Where is Justice?
Update 2023 confirms this report
as true & correct, the nazees & communists have combined efforts under covid19 patent.
NewZealand Maori, we remain under 1930s Adolf Hitler-Vatican-British gestapo oppression govt administration holocaust schemes trap:
To support truth reporting please sponsor us by emailing me at: or text (64)0211353097. Or 022 8567281. More Evidence about UN-WEF-WHO dictatorship.

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