Ship transiting through heavy rough sea😮😮🤕

2 years ago

Towering walls of water, driven by powerful winds, slam into the ship. A major storm can batter even the largest, sturdiest vessels. And they're an unavoidable part of life on the water.
Storms are part of life at sea, however. "If a ship is in the ocean, you're going to have heavy weather," says Fred Pickhardt, chief meteorologist at Ocean Weather Services. Captains can't dodge every storm, because, as Pickhardt explained, "ships are typically on a very tight schedule. Just the fuel alone on ships can be tens of thousands of dollars a day, so a two or three day delay or deviation can cost big bucks, so they always want to minimize it.
Most modern cargo ships are designed to tough out all but the heaviest weather and stay on schedule, but hurricanes are the largest and among the most dangerous storms on the ocean, and no crew wants to find itself in the midst of one.

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