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COVID Camps (Australia & World)

3 years ago

This might sound like a sick joke, but “Down Under,” they are plotting to lock people up if they come down with COVID — and the only way to escape is to get vaccinated.

CLG News reports:

Construction is under way at Melbourne’s Centre for National Resilience — the unwieldy name given to the new quarantine facility in Mickleham — with the camp set to open by the end of the year. A community engagement session was held earlier this week on progress of the fast-tracked 1000-bed accommodation site for returning travellers, however residents were told that builders would not be delayed by any consultation process. Earthworks have begun at an empty paddock in Melbourne’s north, which sits next to the federal government’s pet quarantine facility and is about 300 metres from homes… The centre can be extended to 3000 beds but will be operational as soon as 500 are ready later this year.

As we speak, Australian police and military are rounding up people who test positive for COVID. For now, they are being tossed into hotels. But soon, this single camp will be able to hold 3,000 people for “mandatory quarantine accommodation.” And the “golden ticket to freedom” according to health officials will be the COVID vaccine.

Not sure if I've already uploaded but NZ can keep people held indefinitely until they take a test.

Something has taken over our governments - some kind of evil force.


The Age Australian News:
Construction of Mickleham quarantine camp starts


Victorian quarantine hub

CDC Project Shielding

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