FTP Ramp Test on Zwift

2 years ago

Today marks the beginning of a 12-week Advanced Sprint Triathlon Training Program, so naturally it starts with an FTP Test, which I conducted on Zwift

I was excited to see what (if any) progress I've made since my last test, and I'm happy to announce my FTP went from 269 to 272!

I did the "Ramp Test" on Zwift, and here is their description:
"FTP stands for Functional Threshold Power and represents the highest wattage number you can expect to average over an hour. In Zwift, your FTP is used to determine the difficulty of any workouts you do; the higher your FTP, the higher the wattage targets you're going to see during an interval. In order to accurately measure your FTP, Zwift provides you with two different versions of the FTP test. During both of the FTP tests, you'll do warm up intervals before riding at a challenging effort level for 20 minutes and finishing with a cooldown block. These tests take 95% of the average power exerted during the 20 minute test block. At the end of the test, Zwift will display the option to update the FTP value on your profile with the one from the test." (Source: https://support.zwift.com/en_us/ftp-t...)

#Triathlon #FTPtest #Cycling #Zwift

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