Free-Think Rebellion: Schooling

2 years ago

In our third video, we talk about our experiences with schooling, fact-checking Lego PhDs, and 37 pieces of virtue signaling flair.

Thanks for watching our poorly edited video! We'll be back despite our better judgment. And remember: Don't be an asshole, there are enough out there already that probably do it better than you.

Resources mentioned and recommended in this video:

• A Parasitic Mind by Gad Saad – A fantastic book detailing how academia is overrun with woke politics and indoctrination. I enjoyed his humor woven in with his experience.
• Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto – Another great read that woke me up to the purpose of compulsory schooling (and why we should avoid it).
• ThriftBooks for gently used books: (this referral link includes a free book credit if you make a first time purchase of $30)
• Ideas for homeschooling while working:
• Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology Case Study 1 includes Lego Therapy intervention:
• More unusual doctorates and degrees for your entertainment:

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