Qi Me™ - EMF Protection Device

3 years ago

The Qi Me™ is the most portable and cost-effective EMF protection device within the Synergy Science™ Waveguard collection. Being protected from EMFs within a controlled environment is a struggle many of us have learned how to overcome. However, how do you receive the same level of protection when adventuring in a world full of these dangers? The Qi Mi™ offers EMF protection within its sleek and fashionable design that can be transported to fit any occasion. Beyond this, the Qi Me™ is also offered at an affordable price point so everyone can receive the clarity of mind they deserve. To learn about the health benefits of this device and the science behind the studies, or just to view your options for EMF protection, click the links below!

If you'd like to learn more about the Qi Me EMF protection device, please click the following link ► https://www.synergyscience.com/shop/waveguard-emf-protection/qi-me-emf-protection

*Video Transcript*
"Qi Me is a great small device easy to carry with you in a pocket, a purse, that doesn't weigh a lot but is able to provide you protection. Now it is our smallest device and its effect is the smallest effect of all of our devices so keep that in mind. It will protect you completely from 2G, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, but when it comes to 5G, it is not fully optimized yet - in future it will be. Right now it's protecting 75 percent against 5G but that's better than nothing right, that's significantly better than nothing. In future, we will have a device that will create a field of protection, currently the Qi Me does not create a field like the other key devices do - it does release negative ions or electrons and that's why we tell you you have to keep it close to your body because it's not creating a field for those electrons to be stabilized it's creating the electrons and they will get to your body and they will protect you, but you need to keep it close to you. It's also a beautiful device - we do make it in multiple wood types, my favorite is olive, it's a very exotic wood very gorgeous wood, but we have walnut, we have maple, we have Swiss pine, we have different woods that it's available. It's three inches, by five inches, by about 3/4 of an inch thick. And so it's small, it's easy to take a take around, it's light and so this is why you would choose the Qi Me as a very ultra portable device."

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