The Importance of Faith | Pastor Phillip H Jackson | Grace Christian Center

2 years ago

The Importance of Faith | Pastor Phillip H Jackson | Grace Christian Center

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I Corinthians 14:2
When we pray in tongues we do not speak unto men but we speak to God.

II Timothy 3:16
All of the scripture is given by inspiration of God.

John 1:1-3
In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God.

Romans 10:17
Faith comes by hearing the word of God.

Matthew 9:27-31
According to your faith be it unto you.

Study Notes
Praying in tongues is vastly important for the believer.

When you get filled with the Holy Ghost you should make time to pray out loud.
Praying in tongues is of God and it is necessary. Don’t be ashamed to pray out loud in tongues, but avoid making it a spectacle.

Praying in tongues is a doorway for God to enter and manifest the things in your life that need to be done. Getting into the flow of praying in tongues allows God to reveal the things inside of you that you have such need of having. The only way some things come to you is by praying in tongues.

When you pray in tongues, you are talking to God from your spirit. God will reciprocate and get to you things that you have need of that you cannot get unless you pray in tongues. Praying in tongues is vastly important for the believer. It is necessary to grow, to be successful, and to be victorious.

All of the scriptures in the Bible are God-breathed and anointed. As a believer, you have the responsibility to understand what is being said, to whom it is being said, and when it is being said.

The Old Covenant is to be accepted by the believer only when it does not place you under the law. To discern if a scripture is directed to you as a believer there is a key: if the scripture places you under the law, that scripture is not directed to you. Nevertheless, there are great truths that you need to know that are found in the Old Covenant.

Recognizing your love toward God is important just as much as you like for others to acknowledge their love toward you. God needs to know that you love Him. God the Father needs to hear you say that you love Him. Jesus Christ the Son needs to hear you say that you love Him. The Holy Ghost, who is the third part of the trinity, needs to hear you say that you love Him.

For believers, the most important thing to consume is the Word of God. To understand the truths in the Word of God we need spiritual help. We need the Holy Ghost to unfold, unveil, and reveal the truths of the Word of God. The natural mind cannot accept spiritual things.

You must ask yourself: whose side are you on? Everyone is on one of two sides: on the side of the devil or on the side of God. You must make up your mind and train yourself so that you stay on the right side with God and His word.

Faith is valuable. Faith is the only way you can receive the things of God. This is God’s plan. God is a faith God. Everything He does is by faith.

The word of God that prevails and overcomes in your life causes faith to come. Everything that you have need of has already been done for you, but it has to come to you through faith.

Faith has a protocol: faith has a way to be received and faith has a way to be released. God wants to meet your needs but He will do it through the avenue of faith. To walk in the blessings that are already yours, you have to learn how. God is no holding back.

God is not moved by crying and praying, God is moved by your faith. In your mind you have to settle that God is able and God is willing.

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