Scientist Kid - Extended Commercial

2 years ago

Synergy Science™ is proud to present the "Kid Scientist" commercial that will be featured across a multitude of available platforms. It is our goal to inform as many people as possible about the benefits of drinking hydrogen water. Not only is it our mission to do so, but we aim to provide this information in the most digestible and exciting fashion. It is our hope to get others just as excited about hydrogen water and the multitude of benefits it presents for our health.

To learn more about hydrogen infused water, see the research behind the science, or to checkout our hydrogen water machines, click the following link ►

*Video Transcript*
"I've done it! With this I can, I can.. Are you making hydrogen water with my Echo H2 Pitcher again? Maybe.. You know I have to drink hydrogen water every day, now that's made me smarter, I have to learn what else it can do. I know it's not just my brain it's helping - look at this.. Smarter and stronger? I'm listening.. Allow me to demonstrate. Look it's so simple, hydrogen is the smallest, most common element - so it's as natural as water itself and when you dissolve hydrogen gas into water, you get super water. Now you might be thinking, hydrogen 'is drinking that gonna make me blow up?' But don't worry, the hydrogen used in the Echo H2 is incredibly healthy and safe - I tested on my little brother first just in case. He'll be fine.. You see hydrogen acts as a therapeutic antioxidant that has been shown to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. That means your brain thinks smarter, your body works harder and you're better at fighting off diseases. It even decreases the effects of aging, just look at me - you never guess I'm 10 years old. This stuff isn't make-believe either.. But I love make-believe.. The benefits of hydrogen water are backed by scientists like me but older with doctorates and degrees and real lab coats. There's more than 12 years of research and over 700 studies so this is part of why mom got us the Echo Hydrogen Water Machine. This one is a pitcher, there's also one that goes under your sink and gives you hydrogen water from a faucet. It's perfect for people who want to drink the best water on the planet all the time like me and mom. And it's not just my mom who loves it, this is what a lady named Robin had to say. 'The health benefits are endless with the Echo H2 - this water hydrates you and quenches your thirst. I started drinking it first thing in the morning instead of my coffee. I use it for my protein drink, my collagen drink and to take my vitamins so i'm definitely drinking more water. Thank you Synergy Science for a great machine!' Thanks Robin! I'd ask who you are, but I'm not supposed to talk to strangers. Robin sounds nice but we'll play it safe. So, do you need Echo H2 water in your life? That depends - do you enjoy wrinkles, disease, and brain fog? If you do, just continue on as you are. But if you're looking for a scientifically backed product to help you fight all those things and more - Click to start drinking the healthiest water on the planet. Check out the entire Echo H2 line from Synergy Science.. Listening to you is really making me thirsty though you know.. Click the link to learn about hydrogen water!"

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