Biden's Debacle - Divisive Trudeau

3 years ago

Biden furious with ‘unduly hawkish’ media coverage of Afghanistan debacle

President Joe Biden and his allies are reportedly “furious” at the media for covering them objectively for the first time since the president took office in January.

For the past seven months, the media have for the most part repeated the administration’s every talking point near-verbatim and stayed clear of seeking to hold the president accountable for virtually anything save, perhaps, for his taste in ice cream.

However, the administration’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan was so poorly executed and steeped in incompetence that even their sycophants in the mainstream press are now for the first time crying foul.

CNN’s Jake Tapper not buying Biden’s empty rhetoric: His ‘speech was full of finger-pointing and blame’

— Conservative News (@BIZPACReview) August 17, 2021

But according to Biden, this is a big no-no.

Increasingly Divisive & Dangerous Trudeau Must Be Defeated

Canadians across the political spectrum need to research the past electoral history in their ridings, and ensure Liberal candidates lose at the polls.

Let there be no confusion at this point.

Justin Trudeau will go more and more authoritarian if he thinks it will help him win the election.

He will stop at nothing, regardless of the consequences.

Trudeau's mandatory vaccination plan all about politics, not health

The announcement on Friday that the federal government will make vaccinations mandatory for federal workers was nothing but political theatre and election posturing.

Facing criticism for planning an election during the COVID-19 pandemic and at the start of what the chief medical officer called a fourth wave, the Trudeau Liberals had to do something.

Redesign of B.C. flag with First Nations elements 'reflects who we are'

Lou-ann Neel likes parts of the British Columbia flag, but overall “thought it was too plain.” So the First Nations artist “decided to dress it up” with Kwakwaka’wakw elements for the province’s 150th anniversary.

“I wanted to take the basic shapes that we have and use in almost all of our artwork, the ovoid and the split U,” she said. “What I had in mind was creating a co-opted layer that embeds all of our shapes from our art into the flag.”

NDP demands federal wage-subsidy clawbacks, but critics question feasibility

The NDP is calling on the federal government to claw back pandemic wage subsidies handed to companies that took advantage of the cash to boost executive compensation, but economists say other paths to worker support may mark a more feasible

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