Is Trump's “Big Lie” Prophesied In 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12? | Bible Prophecy Video, Antichrist, 666

2 years ago

I thought I'd briefly touch on a subject that I was thinking about a while back, and it's a subject that seems to be in the news quite a bit over the last few weeks. That subject is Trump's so-called “big lie”, which is a term that some people use for his claim that the 2020 election was stolen from him.

Trump's claim of a stolen election is galvanizing many on the right to not only rally around him, but to even consider taking action in his defense, and perhaps find a way to bring him back into power.

In fact, these efforts to restore Trump to power are still a concern for Intelligence services.
Just recently, Homeland Security Intelligence Chief John Cohen stated that online rhetoric is now strikingly similar to the build-up to the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, with increasing calls for violence linked to conspiracy theories about the election.

In addition, we're constantly hearing about the audit in Arizona, run by Cyber Ninjas, a company, by the way, with zero experience in actually conducting election audits.

The company’s CEO, a gentleman named Doug Logan, is a VERY outspoken conspiracy theorist who not only already believes that Biden stole the election, but has also appeared in at least one QAnon film promoting that same idea.

It's fair to say that Cyber Ninjas likely went into their audit convinced that election fraud had happened, and it was their job to find it. Whenever the results are released, we can be sure that they will find what they're looking for, one way or the other.

This week we also saw the Cyber Symposium, an event run by Mike Lindell, the My Pillow guy. Despite his many promises that bombshell evidence proving election fraud would be released at this conference, nothing of the sort ever materialized.

But that really doesn't matter to those who believe that massive fraud occurred, as the goalposts will simply be moved again, and a new date will emerge for the bombshell evidence to be revealed or for Trump to be restored to the White House.

In addition to these organized efforts to call into question the results of the 2020 election, there are also many smaller, more localized attempts to muddy the waters, including numerous threats against local election officials.

The one constant in all of these attempts to overturn the election, besides a love for Donald J. Trump, is the presence of QAnon, and the convoluted theories that Anons are spreading among those who are involved in these efforts.

We should remember that chief among Qanon's beliefs is that Donald J. Trump is a HERO, and that he needs to be supported in every way.

All in all, these many attempts to call into question the results of the 2020 election are, at a bare minimum, serving to give Trump's fanatical following a reason to stay passionate about restoring him to power.

Millions and millions of people believe that they have a reason to fight, and their fight is FOR Trump. Because of this, Trump's politically deadly wound will be healed in the near future, and he will indeed return to power. It's just a matter of HOW he does it.

Beyond these efforts to overturn the 2020 election, and the craziness of QAnon, I want to talk about whether Trump's “big lie” is the very same “lie” that we read about in second Thessalonians.

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