He's not a BARSUK for you! HONEY AGAINST

3 years ago

Today we have versus again and we'll see the honey badger in action! The honey badger is a true legend of Africa, and of the entire Internet! Rumor has it that he is not afraid of anyone and can single-handedly confront lions, hyenas, leopards. And for lunch, the honey badger can catch a cobra or a viper. Moreover, if a snake bites him, he will not die, but only fall asleep for a couple of hours. In addition, he is so fearless that many generally consider him an immortal creature. They also say that these are very skillful and effective predators that can get their own food anywhere: on the ground, underground or even in the water. If this is really so, you will find out if you watch this video.

In it I will tell you about the honey badger himself. Who is this, where he lives, what he eats. We will look at the structure of his body, as well as his wonderful hide, which, without exaggeration, can be called armor. We will also see how this animal hunts and evaluate its mental abilities.

And most importantly, in the video you will see what the honey badger does when a lion pride attacks him, how he defends himself from a leopard, how he can fight back hyenas, wild dogs and jackals, and also how he attacks a crocodile! But I will not reveal all the cards, I wish you a pleasant viewing!

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