The Spirit of the Risen Christ Lives in You | Pastor Phillip H Jackson | Grace Christian Center

2 years ago

The Spirit of the Risen Christ Lives in You | Pastor Phillip H Jackson | Grace Christian Center

It is important that we know the Holy Spirit, not just know about Him.

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A mature person has a teachable heart. A mature person says, “I will receive, and what I receive will change my life.”

How was the Holy Spirit dwelling with the disciples? He was dwelling with the disciples in the presence of Jesus. After Jesus returned to heaven, the disciples would recognize the Holy Spirit because they saw Jesus’ personality in the Holy Spirit.

It is important that we know the Holy Spirit, not just know about Him. The Holy Spirit is “knowable.” The greatest thing we can ever do is to get to know the Holy Spirit.

Jesus and the Holy Spirit lived WITH (among) the disciples. Today the Holy Spirit lives IN us. Everything changed at the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. The Holy Spirit couldn’t live IN the disciples, because they were spiritually dead.

We should continually acknowledge the truth of the Word in order to solidify who we are in Christ.

Walking in faith is to believe that you receive when you pray, not when the things you desire show up.

Seedtime and harvest are always in operation...the seasons are set by God.

God is not interested in us living beneath our privileges. God is interested in mankind being prosperous. Don’t blame poverty on God. He is not responsible for the poverty in the world. Few people are happy on their job because poverty makes them work. If a person doesn’t like their job...get another one.

Don’t feel guilty for the blessings of God. His blessings are available for everyone. God is no respecter of persons. Most people don’t have a money problem, they have a wisdom problem. God supplies greater than the government can.

Satan would have rather left Jesus alive – then he would have only one person to deal with. In his ignorance, Satan encouraged Jesus’ death... now he has the Body of Christ to deal with.

Mankind was out-classed in the supernatural realm. Redemption puts us in our proper place. It cost Jesus His life to give us that advantage.

On the top of our list to know God more than we’ve ever known Him.

The more dependent we are on God, the stronger we are in the Spirit.
We are healed...not sick.
We are prosperous...not broken.
We are joyful...not sad.
We have more than enough...not just getting by.
Our yesterdays are forgiven...our todays are covered by the Blood of Jesus.
We are saved...not lost.
We know the way...we are not confused.
We have hope...we are not hopeless.
We submit to God...we resist the devil.
We give...therefore it is given to us.
We sow bountifully...therefore we reap bountifully.
That which is hidden is revealed to us.
Our future is bright and filled with joy.

Mark 11:24
I Corinthians 2:1-10
Ephesians 3:9-11
Colossians 1:26-27
Ephesians 5:16-20
II Corinthians 4:13
Philemon 1:6

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