The Australian Police State

3 years ago

00:30 Australia: Pure Insanity (20 minutes)

Over the past 18 months, Australia has had fewer than 1,000 deaths. This means it has one of the lowest COVID-19 death rates in the world. But Australia is cracking down all the more on its citizens, arresting and fining anyone who breaks with lockdown protocol.

20:50 No Righteous Leaders (18 minutes)

How do you explain the dearth of wise, service-oriented leadership in our nations today? God prophesied this would happen! In Isaiah 3, He said He would take away true leaders and that childish rulers would rise in their place.

38:25 Bible Study: God’s Doctrine (16 minutes)

In a world filled with immorality, false doctrine and grave dangers, God’s people need to fill up daily on the sound doctrine from above, not letting any of it fall to the ground.

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