3 years ago

Is the Kabul syndrome going to hit a US Dollar close to you soon?

While Blindspot #005’s common threads were found in the words vaccines, viruses, and the geopolitics of grand failures (meaning the USA’s grand failure in Afghanistan), delivery #006 brings the blindspotting eye to zoom in on market dynamics.

This means Blindspot extends the virus theme beyond that of COVID, into the domains of markets infected by a money printing virus portending volatility at a scale that will make 2008’s global financial crisis look like a fender bender on the sidelines of a catastrophic highway pile-up crash. Blindspot asks what, in addition to the proverbial books, are cooking on the Wild West’s financial frontiers?

But, let it firstly be understood that the invisible hand of the market might be exposed as the one stealing the milk from your coffee, with your lunch, while you’re looking.

And, the Afrikaans poet Breyten Breytenbach once proclaimed, through a character in one of his surreal stage plays, when the latter reflected on capitalism, that it is ultimately a system wherein Dog eats Dog and Cat and Mouse.

It so happens that the Blindspots identified on this platform, likewise called ‘Blindspot,’ somehow so far always coincide with imminent, actual or past disasters and catastrophes. Not that we like bad news, it is just that there is so little else but human, and good old ‘nature made’ disasters. One of Blindspot’s stories this week deal with the Constitutional Court of South Africa having to make up its very high legal mind as to the constitutionality of the Independent Electoral Commission’s (IEC) request for the postponement of local government elections scheduled for this year. Blindspot takes a look at a local governance- and potentially political disaster in the making.

While the above deals with a micro-political disaster of human making, the another major blindspot covered pertains to a historical drought and dwindling water resources that is leaving nearly 12 million citizens of Syria and Iraq with no access to water. Considering that Iraq has been as site of unilateral target practice by US military coalitions since Gulf War I, while neighbouring Syria has seen a similar fate since the so-called Arab Spring. In this case blindspot deals with a mixed-method disaster that encompasses both good old home made natural factors, combined with the outcomes of human warmongering and general folly.

Back in South Africa Blindspot can disclose how inoperable South African naval vessels, combine with recent news of Denel (the state arms manufacturer) being technically insolvent to deliver a yet another national security disaster. Blindspot also releases an imaginary diplomatic cable that should probably be shared with the world, just in case anyone out there has any ideas to try and invade and conquer the country by land, sea, or air.

And then, as for the Bull, the Bear, the Market special on whether the Kabul syndrome will hit a US dollar close to you soon, it is suggested you watch Edosipe 6 yourself, to see the world no-one else does.

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