Vtv: Lets Free the World from Satan - Doomsday revelation

3 years ago

The 11.3.2020 WHO declared the world wide pandemic and if you set that date, as the day Satan got control of the world, and count 42 months forward as described in the Bible, it adds up to the 11.9.2023.

The Bible describes that there afterwards with be 7 years of tribulation on earth, where the 144.000 will be the first to lead the rest to Gods new world.

When I found out that in comparison to recent events, the end would be on 11.9.2030, I saw it as min human responsibility to tell the world that the Bible has warned us about World Economic Forum plan about The Great Reset, and all the conditions that come from the Devil.

The Bible states that women should not be teachers and stay silent in public gatherings. That was my first indication that the Devil has infiltrated the Bible from the beginning, and has led us to believe that we would never know the date and time of the end.

Here is my theory on why that might not be true.

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