World’s Fastest-Accelerating Coaster Stalled Over Riders Breaking Bones.

3 years ago

World’s Fastest-Accelerating Coaster Stalled Over Riders Breaking Bones.
The world’s fastest-accelerating roller coaster has come to a screeching halt after several riders sustained broken bones while on the ride, Vice World News reports.
Located in Japan’s Fuji-Q Highland Park, Do-Dodonpa, a roller coaster that can reach “super death” speed by going from zero to 112 miles per hour in 1.56 seconds, has been suspended after injuring as many as four people since December 2020.
Newsweek notes  the Japanese newspaper Mainichi Shimbun  reported  “ four people have broken bones,” while Vice World News cites a park spokesperson who said there are “at least six” riders with bone fractures, four of which were to their neck or back.
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Mainichi Shimbun  further specified that the injuries happened to people “in their 30s to 50s,” and any neck or back injury would require between one to three months for a full recovery.

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