Alphonso Davies sends support to Refugee Paralympic Team.

2 years ago

Alphonso Davies sends support to Refugee Paralympic Team.
Alphonso Davies, Bayern Munich midfielder, has a unique understanding of the journeys members of the Refugee Paralympic Team (RPT) have been on.
Born in a refugee camp in Ghana to Liberian parents, he connects with their stories.
In a message to the Refugee Paralympic Team, sent as part of his role as a UNHCR ambassador, he wrote: “Not everyone understands you but I do.”

The Canadian international is one of the world’s most in-demand young players right now.
His letter to the RPT gave a message of hope and support: “You are the most courageous sports team in the world right now.
The world is behind you’.
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There are six athletes in the RPT who compete across Para athletics, Para swimming, Para canoe, and Para taekwondo.
One of the flagbearers, club thrower Alia Issa is both the youngest team member and the first woman.

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