Did God Really Give Ellen G. White "Divine" Health Reform Visions From Book of Revelation Angels?

3 years ago

Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (YouTube Channel CANSWERSTV at https://www.youtube.com/user/CAnswersTV/featured; websites: http://www.BibleQuery.org, http://www.HistoryCart.com, & http://www.MuslimHope.com, email: cdebater@aol.com) is joined in studio by former Seventh Day Adventist pastor Dale Ratzlaff (email: dale@ratzlaf.com) who is the author of several books including, "The Cultic Doctrine of Seventh-Day Adventists." For a list of Ellen G. White's failed "visions" supposedly from God see http://www.truthorfables.com/menu/subjectsa-1e.html. For a list of Ellen G. White's so-called "health reforms" she supposedly received from Book of Revelation angels see http://www.truthorfables.com/EGW_Health_Reform.htm. Seventh-day Adventists are to be represented to the world by the advanced principles of health reform which God has given us. Ellen White: Health and Healing, page 4, paragraph 3. One of the highest attainments in the Christian life is control of appetite and without this victory, all hope of heaven is lost. James White: Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, p.206. Adventists claim that Ellen G. White (EGW) was ahead of her time with her health reform messages. They also claim because what she proclaimed about health, science has proven her correct. Adventists believe she was a prophet and received her health messages from God. Why does the Seventh-day Adventist Church ignore their prophet? After you read Ellen G. White's statements you will understand why! E. G. White has written two statements on amalgamation that has caused much embarrassment through the years in the Seventh-day Adventist Church because they are not Biblical or biologically true. Several Adventist apologists have written books and articles in a vain attempt to explain Ellen's nonsense. "But if there was one sin above another which called for the destruction of the race by the flood, it was the base crime of amalgamation of man and beast which defaced the image of God, and caused confusion everywhere." —Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 3, p. 64, 1864. "Every species of animal which God had created, were preserved in the ark. The confused species which God did not create, which were the result of amalgamation, were destroyed by the flood. Since the flood there has been amalgamation of man and beast, as may be seen in the endless varieties of species of animals and certain races of men." —Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 3, p.75, 1864. Ellen G. White is saying in first quote: 1.Amalgamation was the sin above all other sins that caused the flood and the destruction of the race. 2.The amalgamation of man and beast defaced the image of God and caused confusion everywhere. In the second quote Ellen is saying: 1.Every species that God created were preserved in the ark. 2.The confused species that were the result of amalgamation were not allowed on the ark and were destroyed by the flood. 3.Since the flood there have been amalgamation of man and beast and may be seen today in species of animals and certain races of men. We are asked to believe that there are part human and part beast creatures about us today as there was before the flood. Uriah Smith Comes to Ellen's Defense in 1868 1.There was offspring living in Ellen and Smith's day that was the result of amalgamation. 2.Some of "the confused species" that Ellen failed to name Smith jumped right in and named them. He named the wild Bushmen of Africa, some tribes of Hottentots also from Africa, Digger Indians from America and Patagonians from South America. 3.Smith believed as did the evolutionist that, "Moreover, naturalists affirm that the line of demarkation between human and animal races is lost in confusion." It is impossible as they affirm, to tell, just where the human ends and the animal begin. Can we suppose that this was so ordained of God in the beginning? Smith did not know that human blood and animal blood do not merge into one blood. 4.That these black people should be treated as human because they had human blood in them from Adam. 5.These people were of low mentality because of the sin of amalgamation and thy are not responsible for that sin. Keep in mind that Ellen approved of Smith's defense. If we use Smith's argument that the confused species that were the result of amalgamation were Negro or Black people, then we are faced with another problem. Moses married or amalgamated with an Ethiopian woman. (KJV). -"Miriam and Aaron began to talk against Moses because of his Cushite wife, for he had married a Cushite."- Num. 12:1 (NIV). Would God have choose Moses to lead Israel if he had committed the greatest sin known to man and the one sin that called for the destruction of the race by the flood and his offspring were defacing the image of God? Matthew 7:15

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