Radiate Love: Rose Gold Flame as an Antidote to EMF - Light Language Transmission

3 years ago

Light Language transmission of Love with Laura Hosford and Rob Duvall

Transmission intention: Radiate Love - The Rose Gold Flame as an Antidote to EM Radiation

The Rose Gold Flame is a way of describing a trinity in the energy body resulting from the union of divine masculine energy (gold flame) with divine feminine energy (silver flame) and their creation or "child" energy of rose gold. The twin flames and their creation are one. According to guidance channeled by Magenta Pixie (https://www.magentapixie.com/the-blac...), the rose gold flame acts as an antidote to energetic pollution from EMFs and EM radiation currently bombarding our environments and on the rise from 5G mobile network expansion. The energetic template of this trinity works with the Schumann resonance of the earth to create an ongoing field of protection for your energy body.

You can create this protective field simply by setting an intention to do so and calling on your Higher Self to oversee the process. The Light Language transmission will assist you.

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