Most Tortured, Evasive Moments in Press Conference History

3 years ago

In this video you will learn about the most tortured, evasive moments in press conference history, where politicians stumbled and celebrities tripped up, all while the whole world was watching.

You'll want to stick around ‘til the end of this video to learn how to avoid answering life’s hardest questions, like when your wife asks you why Jake from State Farm is calling you at 3:00 in the morning… not that we endorse cheating....

But first…
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Before we can analyze bad press conferences, we need to ask ourselves, “What makes a good press conference?”.
Ideally, the speaker should “know your material”, “know how to tactfully say you don’t know”, and have “a sense of humor”. However, as every PR major knows, all publicity is good publicity. In our digital world, bad conferences can lead to good memes, which can lead to even better publicity.
Take, for instance, the widely hated GrubHub advertisement. I’m sure somebody in their boardroom got a promotion for the best worst ad ever.

If you’re looking for an expert on chaotic conferences, your best bet is to ask former president Donald Trump. Breaking tip #1 of knowing your material, on April 23rd, 2020 Mr. Trump asked William Bryan, undersecretary at the Department of Homeland Security for Science and Technology, if there was a way to use disinfectant to clear viral particles out of the human body through “injection inside or almost a cleaning”.

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