OPEC to Biden: No More Oil

2 years ago

Despite pleas from the Biden administration, OPEC+ has no intention of bolstering its oil production further before twenty-twenty-two. With today’s Americans for Limited Government Minute, I’m Catherine Mortensen. According to Reuters, OPEC+ leaders see no reason to ramp up oil production further. The Biden administration begging OPEC to produce more oil because – quote "At a critical moment in the global recovery, this is simply not enough. Higher gasoline costs, if left unchecked, risk harming the ongoing global recovery. The price of crude oil is higher today than it was at the end of twenty nineteen before the pandemic. OPEC will meet in September to decide on other policy. Or perhaps, the Biden administration could simply allow our own domestic producers to drill again. Biden has canceled oil and gas leases on federal lands and shut down the keystone XL pipeline. His energy policies are a disaster. Just 8 months ago we were energy independent. Thanks for nothing, Joe. For more check us out at the Daily Torch.com

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