Goose Creed CISD Peaceful Protest Against Mask Mandates

3 years ago

On August 17, 2021, GCCISD held a special board meeting and decided to add to the agenda, the discussion of possibly bringing back the mask mandate to the students like in 2020. After a whole lot of parent and community pushback by emails and phone calls, the district sent out messages that they will be abiding by Governor Abbott's ban on mask mandates but shortly before this message was sent, they explained they are watching the legal battle between Judge Hidalgo and Gov. Abbott closely.
Parents, grandparents and friends of the district did not hesitate to attend the special board meeting with signs and flags to proudly and sternly voice that we intend for the school district to keep face coverings optional.

The entire board meeting can be found here:
The audio to the board meeting can be found here:

Representative for TX HD 128, Briscoe Cain, had some comments about this special meeting the day before:

Some of the parents, including myself, interviewed with Telemundo, KPRC Channel 2, and KTRK Channel 13.

Lastly, the Baytown Sun ran an article on August 16th:

as well as an article about it afterwards on August 19:

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