3 years ago

Joseph Robinette Biden translates to "failing up" in (district of) Columbian.

In an alternate universe where McCarthy succeeded in removing communism from the underbelly of America, Biden would be fired from Walmart on his first day. That is, if he could even get hired at 79 years old. He would sniff all the women and children and hug them a little too handsy. Then he would start talking to another old man and wander off to the sporting goods section talking about illogical foreign policy ideas. But he would still be as incoherent as he is in this universe. Then he would be found in the shampoo aisle giving recommendations to customers.

The 40-Year-Old Walmart manager asks him into her office with a male chaperone and says "please leave before the 15 pissed off mothers and fathers press charges for being a gross old man. I don't know what job you did for the last 60 years, but clearly you were a liability for them as well. And I don't care what you do after getting kicked out of here because you're pretty much useless to the workforce and no one would want you wearing their uniform. But THANK GOD you aren't Commander in Chief because we'd all be in danger."

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