Biblical Examples of Mobs and Riots and How They Were Handled - Part 1

3 years ago

Biblical examples of mobs and riots are found throughout Scripture. In these examples God is at work in the lives of His people, and dark spiritual forces are at play, trying to advance Satan’s agenda. As Christians, we should always strive to be Christlike in our words and actions. However, when faced with the hostility of a mob, we must resolve within ourselves that we will not bow to their intimidation tactics. Satan and his demonic forces are behind all acts of evil and violence against God’s people.

A mob is “a large or disorderly crowd especially one bent on riotous or destructive action.” A riot is a form of civil unrest in which a group causes a public disturbance by destroying property and/or harming innocent people. Often, there are corrupt individuals or groups who instigate a riot, either as a means of retaliation for some perceived injustice (real or imagined), or simply to cause disruption as a means of leveraging power within the community. Many within the mob are willing pawns who are manipulated to act violently. The Bible teaches, “Everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger, for man’s anger does not accomplish God’s righteousness” (Jam 1:19-20). However, because rioters are often more emotional than rational, it becomes very difficult to restrain a mob except by physical force. This is why a well-trained and supported police force is necessary for civil peace.

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