Jesus, Wont You Come By Here

3 years ago

Jesus Won't You Come By Here

Technically, this song wouldn't be classified as a hymn. Instead, it would be classified as a spiritual. This spiritual is calling on Jesus to come for a time of comfort in a season of sorrow. The first line repeats the song's title while the second line states, now is a needed time, oh, now is a needed time, now is a needed time.
We've all faced those challenging times in life where we feel as though we are all alone, and we desperately need the comfort and peace that only the Lord can give. The good news is that He is always with us. He never leaves us or forsakes us. So if you've placed your faith in Jesus for salvation, Jesus is always with you.
Jesus was prophesied as the coming virgin born Messiah whose name is Emanuel. Just before His birth, the angel proclaimed to Joseph, " Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us." (Matthew 1:23). And, just before His ascension into heaven, Jesus promised His disciples, "lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." Since the end of the world hasn't come yet, that promise still applies to Jesus' disciples today.
How awesome is that? Jesus came into this world as God with us and left this word promising that He is always with us. Though we may not always feel as though He is with us, we know that His word is true. We are in Him, and He is in us. Paul asks in Romans 8:35, "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?" He then uses the following five verses to basically say absolutely nothing. So, for the Christian, Jesus doesn't need to come by here because He is already here.

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