EAT-The Healthiest Meal Ever is Gemista!#shorts health

3 years ago

EAT-The Healthiest Meal Ever is Gemista!#shorts health

Best Greek Stuffed Tomatoes [My Wife's]

1.The rice and vegetables are both cooked until they are very soft, not al dente. My mother believes that if the gemista are too attractive, they will not taste nice. And she is correct; anytime I see brightly colored gemista that have retained their shape, the vegetables are relatively hard, as is the rice, resulting in a bland and uninspiring dish. Also, do not pre-cook the rice; the whole goal of cooking everything together is for the rice to absorb the flavors of everything else.

2.She simply stuffs them with rice and avoids using ground beef. It's a summer dish, and adding beef would only make it heavier and more calorie-dense.

3.She makes them extra yummy by mixing the rice with a lot of herbs.

4.This dish contains olive oil, and it is critical that you use it; otherwise, the dish would not melt in your mouth. Have faith in me. I recently saw a gemista recipe on the website of a famous New York City newspaper that called for only 3 tablespoons of olive oil; this will not work, and you will end up with a hard, rough, and dry gemisto.

5.She uses them to make potatoes. By adding potatoes, you've created a complete dinner suited for serving guests.

6.And, did I mention that this recipe has no animal products, making it suitable for vegetarians as well?

Good cooking start
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