Building my own HHO "Browns Gas" Generator. Supplimental How-To Video to the ER50 model.

3 years ago

I've been using the "Browns Gas" generator for about 6 weeks and I wanted to share with others my experience of putting this model together. I have only positive things to say about the results of the maching but this video focuses on the DIY of making your own model, based off of the George Wiseman ER50 model. His video, shown in the link below, is an excellent demonstration of how to put the components together. However, there were a few parts that I wanted to add to the assembly and critical parts that I also thought would help. After studying the science behind Browns Gas effectiveness, I have concluded that it is as effective against disease and injury as Chlorine Dioxide. There are also a few things that BG can do that are beyond Clo2 capabilities, which makes me very exited to share with the world. If everybody had one of these machines in their home, it would turn the face of medicine upside down because our needs would drastically reduce for pharmaceutical medicine. More to come!

ER50 Original Assembly video:

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