Paul Harvey: Our Lives Our Fortunes Our Sacred Honor

3 years ago

Dear Viewer,

My life is dedicated in unlimited submission and obedience to the risen Lord Jesus Christ. So why bring up the Declaration of Independence? Glad you asked. The Declaration of 1776 and the US Constitution are inextricably linked as America's organic body of law. Whereas the Constitution is the letter of supreme law in America, the Declaration is the spirit, or purpose, behind the letter. To ignore or remove the spirit is to bring utter confusion to the letter that was ordained to "form a more perfect union."

Separation of the letter from the spirit is producing exactly the societal decline America has been in for over 150 years. This bastardizing of the newborn America has resulted in religious, economic, civil, and political suicide.

America would neither exist nor have been born a union of free and independent states if it were not for the undaunted courage of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776, who “...with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence [Jesus Christ] … mutually pledge[d] to each other [their] Lives, [their] Fortunes, and [their] sacred Honor."

To better appreciate who exactly these men were, who we've largely forgotten are our Founding Fathers, I invite you to view the reputable Paul Harvey's humbling account of what it cost them to birth liberty for Americans. The price of liberty is blood and death as exemplified by the Lord Jesus Christ. Walking away from the security of material possessions—that is America, my friend. The Declaration signers were following in the footsteps of Christ—"greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends."

What does it mean to be American in the truest sense of that adjective? You must not define it by today's "evolving" standards, which have enslaved the mind to the dictates of others. American describes one who exercises, promotes, and defends the greatest expression of individual liberty, which is to govern oneself under true law. This liberty is wholly unique to Americans, and it is a shining testimony to all nations.

What does it mean to us Americans to honor our fathers if we "stumble" to make sacrifices in the shadow of their example? All they did was follow the pattern left upon this earth by the Lord of Liberty. You don't commit to this level of obedience without a personal relationship to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. These men were already free internally before they made a "Declaration" that they were equally free externally.

Freedom is not free—it is costly. Do you have the character to let go of external property and regain the property of your conscience?

Support Household​ Embassy International Services for this liberty message that is needed in our current day of division, death, and darkness.

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Because HE IS, I am,

Barry H. Durmaz
Resource Developer and Writer

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