The real truth about tanning and tanning beds. part 3: 9 facts about UVA - 6 facts about UVB

3 years ago

Ultra violet a light and ultraviolet b light hitting our skin leads to health benefits and pleasurable effects - some of which you cannot get from any other source.

CLICK ON MY LOGO TO SEE MY OTHER 30 plus videosWatch the whole series of 10 videos

1. We are being lied to!

2. 9 facts about sun exposure and vitamin d

3. 9 facts about uva - 6 facts about uvb

4. 9 proven risk factors for melanoma

5. Part 5: 3 overlooked risk factors for melanoma and part 6: Orange juice and sunburns

7. The ABCDE of how to check your skin

8. 13 tips for tanning to get the optimum vitamin d 9. Vitamin d deficiency implicated in 91 diseases -- the studies

10. Sunlight and your skin

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Use this url to buy my tanning bed.

Here is my website where you can read all about Dr. Jean Seignalet (pronounce it "Shon Saynyalay") and his diet which put 91 diseases into remission.

I made 20 videos this past year. Most of them took at least a week of intense research to make and this has had a financial impact because I've had to take time off from my day job. If you would like to make a contribution to help me make more videos,

Click on my youtube UHM logo to see my playlist.

You can buy my tanning bed which hangs on a door here:

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