The real truth about tanning and tanning beds. Part 1: We are being lied to!

3 years ago

According to several dermatologists on youtube if you use a tanning bed you have a 75% increased chance of melanoma. I spent a week looking for the study which proves this. No such study exists. I did however find studies which show that there is NO INCREASED RISK of melanoma with sun bed use! (Watch the video)


Who is pulling the strings here? What do they stand to gain? Is it because for every single chronic disease there is a study which proves that vitamin d deficiency is implicated and that if we all had a vitamin d SUFFICIENCY there would be little need or demand for doctors?

Our masters would then have to survive without the trillions of dollars of revenues annually from drug sales.

Watch the whole series of 10 videos
2. 9 facts about sun exposure and vitamin d
3. 9 facts about uva - 6 facts about uvb
4. 9 proven risk factors for melanoma
5. Part 5: 3 overlooked risk factors for melanoma and part 6: Orange juice and sunburns
7. The ABCDE of how to check your skin
8. 13 tips for tanning to get the optimum vitamin d
9. Vitamin d deficiency implicated in 91 diseases -- the studies
10. Sunlight and your skin

My channel is all about how to achieve optimum health, mainly by a) following my version of the Seignalet diet (pronounce it "Saynyalay") and b) getting optimum vitamin d from a tanning bed, the sun or from supplementation. I believe that the best way to get vitamin d is from tanning with the correct kind of tanning bed because you get a measured dose every time and there is no risk of vitamin d toxicity with tanning because your skin simply stops producing it when you have enough.

In my videos I will give you advice that often runs counter to official advice but it will always be backed up by studies. Note that I am not a doctor and I do not prescribe medicine. My advice is given on a "may help" basis.

Only a doctor can diagnose disease but let's hope my advice can prevent you getting the disease in the first place. Please see my website for more information about the Seignalet diet.

I've made 34 videos in the past year. Some of them took 10 days or more of intense research to make and this has been at some financial cost because I have had to take time off from my day job. If you would like to give me some support so that I can continue to make videos like this one,

Click on my youtube UHM logo to see my playlist.

You can buy my tanning bed which hangs on a door here:

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