Vaccinated are at risk of Variants, Not Unvaccinated

3 years ago

Christian Perrone, Professor of Infectious and Tropical Diseases at the University of Versailles-St Quentin and former President of the Communicable Diseases section of the Conseil supérieur d'hygiène publique de France says that VACCINATED PEOPLE need to separate themselves from society and isolate because they are AT RISK from variants? The UNVACCINATED are not at risk.

The UK Column was able to interview former European Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization at World Health Organization (Vice President) Professor Christian Perronne last August where he specified that COVID-19 policy is “completely stupid”.

Professor Perrone is one of France’s most highly rated experts in infectious diseases and long-time vaccine policy chief. He is being censored and criticized despite his knowledge in the field of viral diseases and vaccines.

In a rush but will post the links to the data he is referring to when I get back.

In the meantime...

Here is Professor Perronne's COVID Treatment protocol Video series from back in September 2020:


Part 1:

How to treat COVID-19 patients.
What about Zinc & Ivermectin?
PCR Testing and its limitations.
Potency decline of the virus?
Any parallel with Lyme disease?
HCQ ban lifted by the French gov.
How to avoid new COVID deaths in elderly homes?

Part 2:

When are Randomized Placebo Controlled Trials justified?
The Discovery Trial that Failed to Discover Anything.
The Oxford Recovery Trial with its Late & Toxic HCQ Dosage.
The widespread misinterpretation of evidence-based medicine.
How to advance international knowledge in medicine outside WHO and journals such as The Lancet.

Part 3:

Do we really need vaccines when there are treatments that work?
The risks with large scale vaccination.
Vaccines should be effective at more than 80 or 90% - not 50%.
Should we test vaccines on healthy young people and then administer them to the vulnerable, to the elderly?
How to best eradicate COVID-19: with vaccines or with therapeutics?

Part 4:

The politicization of medicine.
Why this considerable controversy around hydroxychloroquine?
Will HCQ be prescribed again in France for COVID-19, in hospitals or by GPs?
The death toll attributable to the prohibition of early treatments.
The response to Dr Perronne's book "Is there a mistake they did not make?"
The role of the media.

Originating website:

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