It's Just Like Deja Vu all Over Again

3 years ago

Agency (FEMA) is hoping to round up the “unvaccinated” and imprison them in concentration camps.

The Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium Organization (RDPC), a division of FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that was formed back in 2004, is currently developing a training program for “small, rural and tribal emergency responders or stakeholders” to perform emergency remediation in the event of a “crisis.”

As it just so happens, the Chinese Virus is a “crisis” with no end in sight that appears perfectly suited for the RDPC’s agenda, which targets rural Americans for “quarantine.” Rural America, as you may know, is mostly Republican, while the inner cities are mostly Democrat.

Using the cover of a “pandemic,” the goal of the RDPC is train people to become “emergency responders” to “save your fellow man.” Areas with fewer than 50,000 people and less than 1,000 people per square mile are the preferred demographic for this operation.

On the “Training” page of the RDPC website, the DHS division explains in section “MGT-433 Isolation & Quarantine for Rural Communities” that mass quarantines, aka concentration camps, are soon on the way for resisters who fail to abide by the government’s “recommendations” for “flattening the curve.”

“The RDPC training was open to the public (I was able to personally view the training module. However, now that the training has commenced, it is closed; and now the slides are inaccessible.),” writes Steve Rotter.

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