Marion Cotillard Discusses Acting Opposite a Puppet at 'Annette' Bow.

2 years ago

Marion Cotillard Discusses Acting Opposite a Puppet at 'Annette' Bow.
“ Annette,” the film written and scored by brothers Ron and Russell Mael of Sparks that won Leos Carax the best director at the Cannes Film festival, is unorthodox, so it may be fitting that it got its Los Angeles premiere at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery Aug.
The titular character of the film, a baby girl born to singer Ann ( Marion Cotillard ) and comedian Henry (Adam Driver), is embodied by a lifelike, uncanny puppet.
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“We think we found a really modern way of doing movie musicals.
That’s a talent that we feel is something special,” Russell Mael told Variety at the L.A.
“To be able to create, in this day and age, a movie musical done in a way that’s non-traditional.”

“[Carax] has such a strong visual sense, and such an amazing imagination, that a lot of times there were things way beyond what we would have even considered possible in a film,” Ron Mael added.

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