Why Texas Will Usurp China as World Bitcoin Capital

2 years ago

7 Reasons Why Texas Will Usurp China as World Bitcoin Capital

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In this video you will learn the 7 Reasons Why Texas Will Usurp China as Bitcoin Capital of the World.

You'll want to stick around ‘til the end of this video when we’ll tell you how your plans for a criminal bitcoin empire can be thwarted -- and what to do about it!

But first…

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Bitcoin mining companies are flocking towards America. It is the dawn of the modern-day gold rush. Except, instead of migrating to goldmines in California, Miners are setting up gigantic racks of computers in Texas.

So many computers…

Today, I am going to share with you the latest updates about Bitcoin mining in Texas. So the Bitcoin market is hotter than Death Valley in the summer.. There’s not one, not two, but seven reasons why Texas will usurp China as the Bitcoin Capital of the world.

The ever-dynamic Bitcoin world is primed for yet another roller-coaster ride.

The insights uncovered by Truth Duel investigative reporters will blow your mind.

Not literally, of course, but it will shatter your perception about Bitcoin mining.

#1 - China hosted about 60% of global Bitcoin mining. But the Chinese government is now looking at Bitcoin mining as a dead weight.

The reason: the huge electric power requirements.

The Chinese government has set an ambitious goal to convert to renewable energy resources. The provincial governments blame Bitcoin mining for their failure to achieve their targets. And, they’ve ordered them to set up shop elsewhere.

The door of cheap Chinese electricity has closed with a bang.

#2 - Right now, only private companies are said to be supplying power to the Bitcoin mining companies in China. But they are not enough as major power suppliers are government entities that no longer welcome the mining companies as their customers.

The sudden crackdown at the mining operations has wreaked havoc in the markets. The value of Bitcoin took a nosedive before stabilizing and mildly recovering from the shock. Many Bitcoin mining rigs have now gone offline.

This means only one thing. China is no longer the Bitcoin Capital of the World and a worthy contender will soon usurp its place.

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