Prophetic Dream: Biden's Tree Cut Down & Lady Liberty Vision

2 years ago

Six days after the November 2020 Presidential election I had this dream featuring Joe Biden. It was the first Biden dream I had.

Trees often represent leadership in dreams. The is symbolism of his tree being cut down is hard not to miss.

In January 2021 I had a download of much greater understanding of the dream. Here is the full interpretation:

The woman is the church carrying and caring for the next generation. The focus of the operation is to save the children. The church is moving slow but it is powerful. Cutting down Biden is taking longer than many thought.

The operation is unseen while the enemy knows about a potential threat. They do not know what it is. They just don’t want it to happen.

The youth are also being protected by the older generation. The first generation is tasked with protecting the third generation and avoiding exposure to the enemy. The second generation is active in battle to remove false leadership.

There is an allusion to the cutting down happening over night.

Flour represents the word that has not been mixed together with other vital ingredients to make bread. It needs water (Holy Spirit), yeast (Uplifting) and salt (Flavor, preservation) to become bread of life. Truth without the Spirit of God is ineffective at disarming enemy. We cannot verbally attack with facts.

Biden will not only be cut down but will also be uprooted leaving a hole. My Father is putting in its place a stump with a hole which will be stabilized by a metal pole. A Trump stump was cut down or humbled before but God will put him back in. A hole in him will be filled with a mettle that strengthens him.

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