How Is Your Week Going? | 8/20/21

2 years ago

Afghanistan is a disaster, and Biden is heading back to Delaware. Hope Solo has spoken out about how Megan Rapinoe has treated players on the women’s U.S. soccer team who didn’t want to kneel for the anthem. A man stands up to CRT in Colorado and gets it banned at his school! A crazy man threatened to detonate a bomb in D.C. yesterday. More evidence suggests that the FBI is responsible for the Whitmer plot in an attempt to entrap the men involved. Many people are arguing that the D.C. bomber yesterday was an FBI plant. He’s either FBI or totally insane. Regardless, he does have some strange things to say … Glenn Beck stops by to talk about the D.C. bomber. The Nazarene Fund raises $19 million to help evacuate people trapped in Kabul, but the government has grounded the planes. American soldiers have been told to stand down, even while Taliban are executing women and children in front of them. Joe Biden plans to return to Delaware rather than deal with the crisis in Afghanistan. A new theory called antibody dependent enhancement is circulating throughout the scientific community.

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