The next shoe to drop...

2 years ago

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that sees the other shoe dropping. Today, we ask and answer the tough questions about Biden’s competency – you’ll be vomitus once you hear how Biden’s Moron Meter has hit full tilt. Does the economy cause Biden’s other shoe to drop? Will his final withdraw from Talibanistan, formally Afghanistan, cost American civilian lives? Does the goddess Dr. Jill step in once more to protect her husband from the public? Then, we keep on our drive to level the brass at the Pentagon by singling out the well-nourished decision-makers in the five-sided nut house and their roles in the debacle that was predicted and planned around. With U.S. troops held up in the Kabul airport, is it only a matter of time before Taliban officials scream, “Olly, Olly, oxen not so free.” Listeners of today’s show are strongly encouraged to tie their shoes very tightly.   

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