Is this enough to wake you up?

2 years ago

The truth needs to come out! If the MSM won’t tell you, it’s up to us to expose the truth about COVID19, The Vaccine, Masks and the TRUE agenda. PCR tests have a false positive of 95% much like the recovery of catching COVID19.

The government have admitted they can not isolate the virus! So what is in these vaccines? Who profits the most out of this plandemic, not the people!

The Australian government telling you how to be intimate with your partner, that passing wind or speaking to your neighbours will spread the virus

Employers demanding people to get the vaccine that hasn’t been tested on animals and isn’t approved by the FDA

The common flu no longer exists, Drs jailed for 6 months if they speak out, the bottle shops are still open, drive through food chains & the reject shop but small businesses have to close.

If you do comply & get the shot you can STILL catch the virus, you need to isolate, wear a mask and many Drs have warned the vaccinated are super spreaders.

Dan Andrew’s saying that you need to wear a mask to drink a beer, Masks required in your car

Playgrounds are closed, children made wear masks when Fauci said that masks don’t work.

Millions of Drs attested that the masks don’t work, sunlight is essential and this vaccine is not safe.

Suicide rates are through the roof, Food can no longer be delivered.

People who are speaking out are labeled as selfish while we are watching thousands die from the vaccine. Many reporting this will make you infertile

No one is coming to save us, it’s up to the people to stand together United as one and end the tyranny.

It’s time for the people to fight for what our grandparents went to war for. Our Freedom!

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