Fun Facts & Myths

3 years ago

In today's video, we are going to talk about some interesting facts and myths, about the Chausie Cat.

Intense, complicated, and gorgeous, the Chausie cat is not a fully domesticated cat. Like the Bengal and the Savannah, the Chausie is a hybrid, meaning a cross between two different animal species.

Depending on lineage, Chausie cats can be up to 30 pounds, making them one of the few giant cat breeds. They have long, powerful, supple bodies, and an unusually short tail, sometimes half the length one might expect given the size of the cat.

The Chausie cat is most easily described as looking like a miniature cougar or mountain lion.

Ancient Egyptians tamed these cats and kept them as pets. In fact, along with domestic cats, the jungle cat can be found buried with their owners in ancient graves. They were mummified in exactly the same process as their humans.

The Chausie is gaining in popularity because it is far removed from its wild ancestor. Most Chausies today have two Chausie parents and are quite domesticated.

They are a challenging fit for inexperienced cat owners, simply because they are "allot of cat."

Best left for those with experience, and families that probably do not have small children, and small animals as pets, the Chausie can be a fantastic choice for the right situation.

Here are some interesting facts about Chausie Cats.

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