Death by Sodom

2 years ago

Pope say gay okay - Bible say no way!

Let me take just a moment to straighten out some misunderstanding. There is no question of whether sodomy is a sin in both testaments of the Bible, the only question is whether you believe the Bible. Gay is not simply a person who has sex with another person of the same gender, that’s homosexual. Homosexual is the clinical definition of the act itself and does not incorporate the belief system of either party. Sodomy is the legal term which came from the Biblical term referring to the dominant sin in the city of Sodom, before God destroyed it.

Gay is where it gets into the head and eventually the heart, and is a very modern 20th century term invented by the Enemy to disguise an agenda. For that’s what gay is, a group of homosexuals with an agenda to stop everyone else from calling homosexuality a sin. Sodom was destroyed some four millennia ago. For thousands of years men have practiced homosexuality and sodomy and they knew it was a sin, there has never been anything gay about it.

Gay is much more the political party or even the religion of militant homosexuals. Well millions of homosexuals are not militant at all or even slightly political about their sexual preference, whether their sin is full or part time. I mean they are not Gay at all, many are married with children. Some of which would fight you to the death if you were to say otherwise. Gay like most religions is chiefly concerned with the beliefs of those who follow, not their actions. You can commit the sin and have nothing to do with the politics.

I used to be very good at sodomy in the community for many years, even when I knew it was wrong. Knowledge of sin alone is not enough to stop you from doing it, regularly. By the grace of God I repented, and so can you. We need help just to want to be made right, and He has given it. But the only help we will get is the help God has given to do what He tells us, not help to do what we want. God loves sinners who repent, He does not have anything for those who do not. Whatever the sin.

A terrible Harvest is coming. If you don’t know that you just don’t see God right, and you need to fix that. Because this life is a vapor a wisp of air. A few breaths and we’re gone. It is the next life that is the real life, and it lasts forever. Eternal life or eternal death are yours for the choosing, and the choice must be made here on this side of the veil that separates the natural from the supernatural, the physical from the spiritual. The Bible speaks of this veil being removed when the Lord returns.

Sin is a Biblical term, it is not open to anyone’s private interpretation. It has already been defined by God. You think you are the only one who found their favorite activities not on God’s approved list. Get in line, join the club. My fallen nature feels the same. Every single member of the five children in my family were molested by different people at different places in various times of our childhood. Some multiple. My closest gay friends were all molested as children. All of them.

The breakup of our parents when I was 10 let the wolves in. It has happened to millions of families in this country alone. The rabbit like procreation of homosexuals is not birthed from the liberation of an imprisoned libido, don’t be ridiculous. It is a direct consequence of the abortion of the family, which is spiritual. It is an attack from the pit of Hell. I didn’t ask to be violated as a child, no one does. And the Lord knows all about it. We will not be Judged unfairly, but we will be Judged. It is more certain than Death.

There is no sin that is okay with God not one – including Homosexuality. Get over it! The gay thing is nothing more than part of the sin thing which is the thing responsible for this whole thing – gone wrong. God does not have a problem with sin, we do. He has the only answer. That’s why He sent His son, to pay for our sin, so we wouldn’t have to. If you don’t let Him pay then you have to pay. You either love your sin more than God, or you love God more than your sin.

from the chapter Death by Sodom in our book Tribulation Saints

Brother Greg

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