First Glimpse

3 years ago

Having a “pity party” with discouragement, despair, depression, disillusionment, doubt? What fun! The enemy of our soul likes to throw pity parties and invite all kinds of deplorable guests. Are you gonna stay in the pity party or get out quick?! So, there is not too much in our cultures to celebrate right now! Our cultures are chaotic with injustice, lawlessness, corrupted human nature, and hopelessness; and if we keep focusing on these things, in comes the doldrums! Shake off all the devil’s “d” words! As we look around us and in our first glimpse is all the negative things happening, there are so many of them right now, that our worldly viewpoint will overwhelm us. Maybe we need to change up our “first glimpse” to be Jesus, His character, His life, His ways, His truth, the all of Him in the all of our everything. Maybe our first glimpse doesn’t need to be this world. We are better off with a Kingdom perspective as our first glimpse, it tends to hold our attention a lot better than a worldly viewpoint, and it keeps us from falling into a self-pity pit. When our first glimpse is a Kingdom Perspective of God Adventure, we actually can have a lot of great anticipation, confidence and hope in our future. Listen up! Focus up! Get out of that pit! Dig Deeper:

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