Max Keiser - This Will Be A Bitcoin Tsunami

2 years ago

Max Keiser - This Will Be A Bitcoin Tsunami

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In this video, Mac Keiser and Stacy Herbert look into the continuous rise in prices and the fall in purchasing power arising from endless money-printing and debt accumulation by the government. They also touch on the Infrastructure Bill, the End of Bretton Woods, and the move by American oligarchs to dominate the financial system.

Here are the highlights of the discussion:

The purchasing power of fiat money is going down. The rise in coffee prices is alarming, and nobody seems to care. Inflation is soaring, and people's balances in their bank accounts are at all-time highs. People are now getting used to enhanced unemployment benefits and nonstop stimulus checks and child-credit tax.

We've already had Universal Basic Income (FBI) in America whereby people are now living rent-free and getting more money for not working. And this move is just a way of bailing out bankers. Interest rates are now going negative because bankers now charge customers for saving their money in the bank. This system will soon see a collapse of the bond system.

This period coincides with the end of Bretton Woods when then-President Richard Nixon took the United States off the gold standard on August 15, 1971. 50 years later, all things are now getting passed. Every single money-printing idea, whether it's a new stimulus cheque or an infrastructure, package or Quantitative Easing, or mortgage-backed securities, gets passed. All Things Must Pass 50 was the name of the album released by George Harrison.

Recent studies have shown that 90% of all the money printed for all these programs end on Wall Street. This is obvious in the money velocity that is always going towards zero.

President Joe Biden decided to violate the constitution because the Supreme Court had ruled that the rent a moratorium was unconstitutional. The fact is that taxpayers are the ones paying for the $47 billion rent moratorium. This shows that the toll is for the oligarchs.

The inflation mindset is now setting, and people are willing to pay whatever it takes to get a cup of Joe Biden. Headlines show that China's Producer Price Index see jumped 9% year-on-year in July, fueling global inflation fears. So, the producers eat more of that price, and the consumer is willing to pay. Now, inflation is rising in a systemic and secular way and only bitcoin can be the solution to preserving wealth.

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