ALERT! Atheist Scientists Plan to EXTERMINATE Religion and SEIZE CONTROL of Evolution by...

2 years ago

...Bringing Socialism to America.

Dr. Donald Prothero says socialism reduces religion. Dr. John Hartung says eliminating religion is the first step to achieving an atheist Heaven that will be brought about by steering evolution. Dr. Richard Dawkins embraces Dr. John Hartung's ideas. Democrats want a Green New Deal and Universal Basic Income, i.e. socialism. The sinister plan is being set into motion. What does the atheist future have in store? Eugenics. Thought police. Extermination of religious ideas and those who express them. The future is so dark, you need to wear a tinfoil hat. You love dystopian visions? You'll be living in one soon if the atheists have their way.

Would Jesus be a socialist if he were alive today?

WARNING: contains profanity.

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