Fighting for the parents right to chose what is best for their child

3 years ago

The Louisiana Department of Education refused to hear 200 parents , grand parents , citizens speak after the BESE board demanded everyone in the room put a mask on AFTER being on the same room for HOURS .
The board stated that they had “medical professionals’ there to speak for them and they were too scared to come in the room if Everyone did not put a mask on , most of the people complied (for our Children to be heard ) a few refused to comply , The Board voted to end the meeting and they all left ! Our democratic Governor appointed most of the BESE board , Its his Mask Mandate .

I had not seen any of the coverage . A friend sent this and the other to me , it apparently it has been removed . Which usually means you’re onto something. No holds barred , I represent the little people , Literally! The children I LOVE asked me to Fight For them to be able to breathe in school .
I never break a promise , I’m fighting with all of the other brave women and men doing the same for our children . ”You may not want to help us get there , But Don’t stand in the way”!
❤️We will not stop fighting for the kiddos ❤️
WAFB Chan 9 Baton Rouge

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