New Normal Accept It Or Stand Up As One The AGENDA 21-30 is In FULL SWING

3 years ago

New Normal Accept It Or Stand Up As One The AGENDA 21-30 is In FULL SWING
ROSA KOIRE R.I⁣.P -- She was an expert in the agenda 21 chessboards and warned allot of people of what was to come most of which fell on deaf ears! Like its is in 2021. ⁣Agenda 21 is the action plan, it’s the blueprint, the comprehensive plan that was signed on to by 178 nations plus the Holy See in 1992. It’s the United Nations plan. And it’s a plan to inventory and control all land, water, plants, minerals, construction, means of production, food, energy, everything on the planet, law enforcement, education, and of course, information and human beings. So this is, you know, a comprehensive plan of action and inventory and control plan. It’s about data sharing, it’s about money transferring from the developed nations to the lesser developed nations. And ultimately, it’s about destroying your ability to have a voice, destroying your ability to have representative government, it’s about changing your government to governance, and taking away your voice, entirely destroying your ability to be free, and to be independent. And the goal, of course, is to transfer power from local individuals to a global governance system. So you can’t do that all at once. And it’s been a long process. And you see it as you know exactly what you’re seeing right now. It’s a plan to disrupt and destroy the existing system. It’s a plan of transformation and control. And that’s what we’re living through right now.

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