For the last time, this meme is of Robert Redford not Zach Galifinakis.

2 years ago

For the last time, this meme is of Robert Redford not Zach Galifinakis.
Since roughly 2012, the internet’s Mandela Effect has led to a grave injustice.
No, we’re not talking about Sinbad’s kids begging people to crack open the IMDB and confirm that their dad did not star in a movie called Shazam .
Nor are we wading into the parallel universe of the Berenstain Bears .
Rather, we’re once again here to remind you that the bearded man from the nod of approval meme is not Hangover -star Zach Galifianakis.
It’s Robert Redford.
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As nice as it must be for Galifianakis to be repeatedly mistaken for Redford, the issue could be attributed to a lack of movie stars with long hair, rosy cheeks, and beards.
But even today, some 50 years after the meme’s source was released, people still think that the meme is of Galifianakis .
We want to set the record straight for the last time.

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