Just Playing Bio-Hazard Battle (#Sega) - Classic 90s Console Shooter for #Genesis/Mega Drive. Pt2

2 years ago

Booting up a classic Genesis game and playing a bit with my daughter, nothing serious, Just Playing! Made it to stage 3, but may have to jump in to a more serious single player dive soon :).

This game is an awesome classic and I highly recommend it for single player fun or to play with a friend (to compete over who gets that Orange powerup!). Not to mention some amazing tracks on this game..!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JustPla57729693
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#biohazard #battle #biohazardbattle #genesis #sega #nintendo #90s #console #consolegames #gamepad #randomtest #shooter #topdown #japaneseshooter #multiplayer #level #megadrive #mega #drive #justplaying

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