Gods of a Fallen Life Course Lesson 2 Part 1 Accessing & Forgiveness

3 years ago

Neil Tighe – Trading as – invisible innovations

Gods of a Fallen Life/Consider the Lilies
©2020 Neil Tighe\All Rights Reserved

Gods of a Lesser Light/Consider the Lilies
©2006 Neil Tighe\All Rights Reserved- original from Gods of a lesser Light ed1

Free and fair personal use, not for reproducing
Spiritual/Metaphysical Courses 1 – 7

This is a workable and practical way of learning how to address the inner child, then therefter, how to release sin fear and guilt issues and accept those experiences as wisdom.
Also how to create more harmony and reasoning within you and its the start of or foundation leading to emotional intelligence.
As all psychic, intuitive and higher spiritual work comes thru this level we must therefore have a good working relationship with and within ourselves.

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