They planned this - it's all planned. This system has been put in place using lies...

3 years ago

"They planned this - it's all planned - now why they planned this, I don't know and I don't even think I want to know"
- Dr Sucharit Bhakdi - Virologist

"This system has been put in place using lies - I believe it's for Complete Totalitarian Control & I think the purpose of that is going to be mass-depopulation"
- Michael Yeadon - Former Pfizer

"One of the problems is that people think it's like every other vaccine - and it's not"
- Dr Robert Malone - Virologist & Immunologist & Inventor of mRNA technology

"We started to get kind of a sick feeling in our stomachs, that wait a minute - this is science gone bad here - none of this is supposed to be happening"
- Dr Peter McCullough - Epidemioligst, Caridiologist

"50% of health providers are absolutely not getting this injection. We don't trust the data. The fox guarded the hen house. The companies did their own data. There were no independent observer groups."
- Dr Ryan Cole - Pathologist

"You should disregard all announcements about case rates in your community because they're completely fraudulent".
- Michael Yeadon - Former Pfizer

Kary Mullins - Inventor for the PCR Test - Said this test in itself is not a diagnosis.

They said "We're being pressured, in house, to add COVID to the diagnostic list, when we think it has nothing to do with the actual cause of death".
- Dr Dan Erickson - ER Physician

"As a physician I received an email last week from the Department of Health coaching me on how to fill out death certificates."
- Dr Scott Jensen - Family Physician

"There's a lot of other doctors who feel the same way"
-- Where are they?
"Well they're too frightened to speak up, and as soon as that happens, a notification and you're off in front of the medical board."
- Prof Ian Brighthope - Brighthope Health

Fact-checking groups, for example are funded by an organisation that holds over $1.8 billion dollars of stock in Johnson & Johnsohn - one of the COVID Vaccines.

"They sent me there to cover the COVID treatments at that hospital - I just wasn't supposed to ask that question. The viewers are being deceived by a carefully crafter narrative."
- Ivory Hecker - Whistleblower Reporter

"They are trying to push a narrative that is not based on the decades of immunology"
- Prof Dolores Cahill - Biologist / Immunologist

"The victims of this vaccine, they're not being able to tell their story"
- Steve Kirsch - Philanthropist

"The censoring has been going on for well over a year, it's well documented, it's unequivocal"
- Dr Robert Malone - Virologist & Immunologist & Inventor of mRNA technology

"TikTok is taking down all of my sounds so that you guys can't hear my story."
- Vaccine Victim

"We've got to the point where scientists such as yourselves need to kind of gather for secret meetings in houses to come out with declarations of dissent."

The Great Barrington Declaration, authored and signed by three of the world's leading experts in epidemiology, infectious diseases and vaccines.

- Prof Martin Kulldor - Harvard University
- Prof Sunetra Gupta - Oxford University
- Prof Jay Bhattacharya - Standford University

Discernible Interviews:
Q.) Are you of the same opinion?
A.) Australian Dr Carolyn Bosak - Integrative Medical Doctor: "I don't think I can answer that question"
Q.) Why Not?
A.) Anyone who speaks out against this line of policy is shut down. I basically have to be in line with the government line"

"Do you want your physicians and scientists - their voices suppressed? We're polarised right now, we're polarised."
- Dr Byram Bridle - Viral Immunologist

"And threatened investigation and discipline for any physicians who express any of the negative aspects of any of these interventions, no matter what the evidence says."
- Dr Patrick Phillips - Family Physician

Dr Heiko Shoning - ACU2020 founder arrested.

"You have to realize, the number of doctors and scientists who are saying no to all this, outnumbers those who say yes".
- Dr Sucharit Bhakdi - Virologist

"And if this is the mountain, if this is the hill, where I get nailed on - I will get nailed on it, I don't care. You can report me to the boards, you can KILL me, you can do whatever - but I'm not going to let American's die."
- Dr Stella Immanuel - Family Physician

Berlin, August 1, 2020
"75 years ago, Hermann Goring testified at the Nuremberg Trials, and he was asked 'How did you make the German people go along with all this?'
And he said: It's an easy thing. The only thing a government needs to make people into slaves is fear. You can do this in a Nazi Regime, You can do it in a Socialist Regime. You can do it in a Communist Regime. You can do itin a Monarchy and a Democracy.
- Robert F Kennedy Jr. - Lawyer

"We the Germans are asking this question - how it happened in the 1930s - and a lot of people are now getting a sense how it happened."
- Dr Heiko Shoning

"We're held hostage to more and more mutations that can be used to manipulate us over & over again and take away our freedoms"
- Dr Andrew Kaufman - Molecular Biologist

"Tables are turning. We've used these tactics in other countries to manipulate, divide, and conquer, and now we're watching our own government and military use them against us. The men of our unit and our service believe that we're pointing our weapons in the wrong direction. This time now the tyranny is against us and our people, and we can't see it because it's on our home soil where it's never been before.
- Military

"We need to start looking at ourselves as officers and thinking "is what I'm doing right? You don't get to just say "I'm following orders", and if that costs you your job, so be it. At least you'll be able to look at yourself in the mirror at night."
- G. Anderson, Police

"They start enforcing the communist state through the vaccine passport. Please, Australia - Do not move to any goal posts.
The second you do, they start to build the Fascist State."

"In Australia, people have had it too good for too long, and they see these communist countries and they think "There's no way that could happen here"

"We are the most locked-down country in the world."

"There's over 50,000 people here".
"The media said it was only three and half thousand people"
- Sydney, July 24, 2021

"What we saw today, was 3500 very selfish boofheads"
- David Elliott - NSW Police Minister

"The mainstream media is never, ever, ever going to be on our side because they are owned and controlled by the very people we are fighting against".

"They've identified that area as being a really strong area."
"Strong men, strong morals, strong customs"

"You are the toughest, you have the strongest family community connections, religious connections - you guys are unbreakable, and they know if they target and break you frist, it makes it easier for them to break the rest of us.

"Stand the F**K up.

"Don't be the reason why our Future Generations look back and think "Where the heck were they?"

"This is the time, there is not going to be another time, unless we shake this down."

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