Taliban Gone Wild! Who's At Fault Y'all?

3 years ago

Taliban Gone Wild! Who's At Fault Y'all? According to Biden he is just doing what was already in place by President Trump. Trumps plan was to pull out of Afghanistan by May 2021, but Biden waited until August to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan. He had no prior plans on how to do this. He just did it on a whim against his advisors recommendation. He didn't even wait until all U.S citizens were out of Afghanistan. Now Americans are stuck in all the chaos.

If Trump was president, there is no way he would have pulled the U.S soldiers out so quickly without making sure U.S citizens were evacuated and unharmed. The United States have put billions of dollars into training Afghanistan soldiers on how to defend their country, but soon as the Taliban enters into Afghanistan they give up and run like bitches. My heart goes out to all the women and children.

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